(801) 285-5443 info@EyeCare4Kids.org

Our Arizona Donors

Thank You To Our Amazing Donors!

The vision services provided by EyeCare4Kids™ Arizona are made possible through the tremendous generosity of our donors and partners! We are so thankful for these wonderful friendships and collaborations.

Virginia G. Piper Logo

CBD Opthalmic (CBD Tomey)

Del Webb Foundation

Jeffrey and Amber Morrow

North Star Foundation

Thomas P. Waters Foundation

Very Special Thanks To:

Deborah Bacon

Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center

Dr. Cathy Hollenbach

John and Kelly McManus (Black Lab Optical)

Ken Weissman (Modern Optical)

Dr. Ric Rios (Paradise Valley Eye Center)

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4432 W. Maryland Ave.
Glendale, AZ 85301