Our eyes are important!
Our eyesight helps us see, recognize objects, read, watch TV, play sports, and even communicate.
A balanced diet helps you maintain normal blood sugar levels, which keeps your body (and eyesight) functioning properly. This includes having plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low fat dairy products, and omega 3 fatty acids like fish oil.
These foods provide vitamins and minerals that keep your eyes strong and clear.
Children should eat well every single day.
Make sure they include a variety of nutritious foods in their diets. Include lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains such as oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, lean proteins like chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, and nuts, low fat dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, and cottage cheese, and omega 3 fatty acid-rich seafood like salmon and tuna.
And don’t forget about vitamin D.
Vitamin D is crucial for bone growth and keeping bones strong. If your child doesn’t get enough vitamin D from food he or she needs supplements.
Good nutrition is essential for healthy eyesight. In fact, it’s been proven that proper nutrition improves eye health.